Picotrack Endurance Primary


Telic GmbH
Raiffeisenallee 12b
82041 Oberhaching
Deutschland Zum Unternehmensprofil

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Picotrack Endurance Primary is an asset tracking device with an IP69K grade housing used to reliably track large valuable assets (containers, swap bodies, freight wagons, heavy duty equipment…) over very long periods of time (almost 9 years at 1 message per day).

Key Benefits

  • Robust and waterproof enclosure enables utilization of the device under challenging and varying environmental conditions
  • Maintenance free operation for almost 9 years @ 1 message / day
  • Device configuration & communication via serial interface or remotely via SMS / GPRS
  • Alternative positioning option with Device-based Wireless Positioning (GSM tracking)
  • Highest Quality device

Download the datasheet here.